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  3. Register Domain Name
  1. Home
  2. Register domain names
  3. Register Domain Name

Register Domain Name

If you do not already have one, you can use a free Shopmatic domain name for your online business (eg. yourbrand.myshopmatic.com)


You will only need to type the domain name that you want and confirm that it is available.

Do note that if your Shopmatic account is closed for any reason, the domain name will remain with Shopmatic.


Setting up a custom domain name

If you want to set up your own domain name, we have simple instructions for you to do this with some of the most popular providers. Please click the links below to view the detail instructions. The cost in setting up a custom domain name will be generally borne by you.

GoDaddy→     Namecheap→     Nettigritty→

Big Rock→      Rediffmail→


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