My profile

The Shopmatic ‘My profile‘ page is where you can find your account details.

This page can be accessed by clicking on the top right corner menu > My profile:

On the My Profile page, you will be able to find your Account ID, which is your unique customer number. Whenever you are in contact with our E-commerce Consultants, provide them with your unique Account ID for a better experience.

Also on this page, you will be able to edit and change your account details:
i. First name
ii. Last name
iii. Shopmatic login email – the email address you use to log in to your Shopmatic account, and for our E-commerce Consultants to email you
iv. Notification email – the email that will be used for receiving order notifications from your customers
v. Phone – the phone number you use to log in to your Shopmatic account, and for our E-commerce Consultants to call you
vi. Change password – simply click on ‘Change password’, enter your new password, and click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The Business Information fields are also editable, the information in these fields will be shown in the invoice and receipts that are sent to your customers.
i. Company name
ii. Address line
iii. Country
iv. Postal
v. Logo
vi. Business/Company registration number

By default, the Pickup shipping address will be the same as your Business Information, however, if you do have a different Pickup shipping address, you can deselect the option ‘Use the same as my business info’ and the Pickup shipping address will be reflected in your invoice and receipt’s ‘Place of supply’

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