As part of our continuous effort to help our Sellers improve sales, we now have an automated Trust Signals feature.
Whenever a Seller has enabled a payment gateway on their store, depending on the payment gateway, different trust signals will appear at the footer of their store, and at the checkout process.
According to data from Nielsen, millennial consumers tend to be much more trusting of brands than any other age range so it is becoming more vital to have Trust Signals on a webstore to help improve sale conversions.
As mentioned earlier, depending on the payment gateway activated, different combinations of Trust Signals will appear:
PayPal enabled: PayPal, Mastercard, and Visa logo
Paytm enabled: UPI, Mastercard, and Visa logo
PayU enabled: UPI, PayU, Mastercard and Visa logo

These trust signals have also been fully optimized for mobile Buyers so that when they reach the checkout page, the Trust Signals will always be visible to the Buyer at the footer.
“Digicert Secure: UPI, PayU, MasterCard and Visa”